Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Margaret Carpenter Arnett

pale full moon above a mountain range and riverbank

“Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise.” —Maya Angelou

A meaninful Christmas wish from Margaret Carpenter Arnett.

two babies lying facing each other

Great grandsons, one of many blessings (for Ben and Andrea) in 2024!

Still living in my happy place in Shelter Bay, I enjoy and welcome visitors.  I was in three art shows this year. Readers Magnet re-published The Art of the Inner Journey in full color, and it was shown in book shows in Europe and Asia as well as the US, I also teach an Art journaling class at the Senior Center, so I am grateful for good health and keeping busy.  Sadly, I said goodbye to several dear friends this year and continue to pray for ailing ones. On the positive side, the extended family share their busy and interesting lives with me, providing much love and support

 In this chaotic and crazy world, we must hold to our ideals and never give up hope.

With love and blessings to all, and thanks for keeping in touch

– from Margaret Carpenter Arnett